
Showing posts from 2013

Nkoya speakers of Zambia

 Nan and I are excited to pray with you about the potential of helping see an Nkoya JESUS film funded and produced as part of Mission 865.  Mission 865 is the initiative here at the JESUS Film Project to complete all languages spoken by at least 50,000 people.  These next 865 languages represent some of the most unreached and remote people in the world.  But much as Jesus related the parable of the Lost Sheep , these speakers of Nkoya have not escaped His notice.   When it comes to making a new JESUS film translation, one of the greatest challenges is completing the translation of the script .  As we do smaller and smaller people groups, this challenge increases.  The reason for this is that these people groups are more remote, there is less likelihood that they even have a written language (an oral language with no formal alphabet) and they usually have no portions of scripture in their language. That is why we have had a partnerships with groups like Wycliffe Bible translator

Christmas DVD's

Christmas is such a great time to strike up a conversation about Christmas and spiritual things.  A few years ago we make little gift packets that we could easily give out to people we met.  It had a Christmas card (with a Christmas greeting and 'Merry Christmas' in 16 languages ), candy canes, a bag of microwave popcorn and an 8-language JESUS DVD.  We put it into a ziplock bag to make it easy to grab and hand out.  I guess if we had put a bow on it that would have been even better! This year we plan to do it again but with a special Christmas version of "The Story of JESUS Through the Eyes of Children".  This is actually one of our favorite films.  While it was based on the JESUS film (and uses a lot of the original footage from the JESUS film shot in 1979), it adds a compelling storyline of children at the time of Christ and witnessing His life.  With a runtime of 62 minutes, it's a great film that families can share together, or older family members can s

Internet in the home: Protecting Your Family

Working with technology as I do, the Internet has been an incredible help to me in my work.  For instance, part of what I do has me communicating with people in places like California, Bogata, Barcelona and Hong Kong.  I also work between the office and a home office and regularly move a lot of information around as we work on tools to communicate the gospel to people around the world. But the Internet is of course a double-edged sword.  If you have an email account you already know that our email boxes are bombarded with SPAM, some of it rather vile, unless you have a filter.  It's not much of a leap to see how Jesus' warning in Matthew 24, " Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold..."   (in that rather chilling chapter about the end times) is at our door now. Our greatest defense is a close walk with the Lord as we 'put on our spiritual quench the firey darts of the evil one' (Eph 6:11,16).  I've also found t

My Last Day in Botswana

Here's an exciting video report that Campus Crusade for Christ staff on the college campus made about their outreaches using  My Last Day.     It is a video report showing how they have been using My Last Day (our 9-minute Japanese anime film that shows the crucifixion through the eyes of the thief that was crucified with Jesus).  Not only have they been using it on campus but also with families in the community. One of the things that excites me about this report and this use of My Last Day - is that, since the dialog used in this film comes from our existing JESUS film translations, this story could happen on almost any campus in the world in the future where My Last Day is made available - we don't have to send new voice dubbing teams to that country, the translation is already done!  Right now we have it in about 45 languages with another 90 or so in process.   I don't know the prayer 'back-story' to this story - but I'm sure God raised up a team to pray