Production on 'Escaping the System' winds down in Orlando.
Wow - what an incredible adventure the last 2 years have been - it's hard to believe it is winding down. It all started with hearing from my supervisor at the time, Bailey, that the team in Spain was looking for help in animation. I was just finishing work on pre-production of My Last Day (the pilot film of our life of Jesus in anime concept). Bailey and I proposed a research project to see if we could be of help to our sister ministry in Spain (called Agape), and we were off. I had previously been talking with my friend Dom about the project (CEO of Premise Entertainment here in Orlando - former Disney senior animator and all around great guy to work with). We had kicked around some ideas. Also at that time God brought about a connection (through a mutual friend) to Joshua G. who had just graduated from Full Sail as a rigger for CG characters. Joshua also had a modeler/zbrush artist friend who had also finished Full Sail, and together with Mark from the Pioneers ministry, w...