CG and Apologetics

As Cru staff here in the U.S. we have a core of about 12 graduate level classes we need to take toward a certificate. I was recently able to take a class on Apologetics online. Christian Apologetics is of course the study of the defense of the Christian faith. For my final project I could have written an article or prepared a speech on one of the essential topics. But of course, being immersed more and more in CG (computer graphics imaging) as was interested in the 3rd option - a Powerpoint project. I increasingly use more CG tools in the Film Production department of the Jesus Film Project (doing some visual effects and also helping 'pre-visualize' new projects we are researching or about to produce). The course instructions were that this would Powerpoint would be the type of thing you could go through with a student who might be a new Christian. The tool should help then gain some grounding in the Christian faith and how to...