File Zero, Virtual Production & bridging the gap to real history!
We recently had a chance to film an ending for the File Zero (aka Archivo Cero) animated web series that we worked on back in 2008-2010 for about 18 months. An opportunity came up to put File Zero into a broadcast rotation but it needed to be transformed from a 14-episode web series into a 50 minute video suitable for broadcast with the close that bridges from the series content (set in the future) and relating it to the story of Jesus referenced in the series. Here is some 'Making of footage' and how we used 'Virtual Production' and the Unreal Engine to make the video. If you want to see the end of File Zero ( episode 14 ) with this new close, check out the video below. Thank you to Jeff, Dom, Andres, Daniel, Eileen, Alex, Kashmere, Brent, Melissa, Mike, Vance, Marc, Marcos and the crew. Please forgive me if I'm forgetting anyone else! - Irv