Jeanne, Jeanne - don't be mean

Fourth hurricane to hit Florida in a season...last time this happened to a state was Texas, back in 1868. Hurricane Jeanne is pounding us right now. After it came up the Atlantic, seemed to arc out to sea and then looped around straight at us - it came ashore on the East Coast and is looping north just below Orlando and Orange County. This means that we are getting much of the ferocity because northern and eastern sides of these storms usually pack the power because of the counter-clockwise rotation.

So far, a new roof is at least 3 weeks away, but the repairs and tarps seem to be holding so far. It looks like some gutters have been ripped off the house and there is banging on the roof, but no leaks so far. Amazingly, no loss of power so far. I guess the previous 2 hurricanes that came through here knocked down all the easy targets next to power lines. Praise God! For a good perspective on how this relates to God see this.


  1. Hi Irv, Nan, Alex, and Aimee. I'm enjoying your blog. Don't forget to post more and more!!! We want more!

    I'm glad you included the link to the video about why natural disasters come about. I thought he provided some interesting answers for me to chew on. I do agree that the spirit world plays a part in it. I also think that because of global warming, things are happening that shouldn't be happening. I wonder if there are more hurricanes because the gulf stream is warmer than it used to be? Just a guess. I'm reading a great book now by Tony Campolo called _50 Ways You Can Help Save the Planet_. It's a good read. He doesn't think that we should try to get back to Eden by being Earth-lovers, or on the converse side, that we should sit back and do nothing because this Earth will end at some point anyway. He thinks Christians should be a better witness when it comes to stewardship and caring for the creation. He offers some thought-provoking methods for positive change in the way we think about and act towards the creation. It's a very practical book and I recommend it to everyone.


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