
The vagaries of getting older...

 Okay - I haven't updated the blog in a while.  I've been on a journey which has lately involved the quest to get good sleep - deep restful sleep.  Ah the vagaries of getting older.  It is amazing how much sleep affects our outlook and creativity, even our objectivity about life.  I've concluded I'm not much of a blogger, much less when this was more of a problem for me.  But I am improving as I consult with doctors, learn new techniques of getting back to sleep and the role of walking this out with Jesus.   I just went to the 50th anniversary of SIGGRAPH last month.  I have loved computer graphics ever since I saw Star Wars, the Wrath of Khan and Tron.  Once I bought my first computer in 1980 and started writing programs to generate my own images I was clear that this would somehow be part of my life.  I had met Jim Blinn briefly on a tour of JPL  (Jim had been rendering images of the planets for the Voyager flyby - he wa...

File Zero, Virtual Production & bridging the gap to real history!

  We recently had a chance to film an ending for the File Zero (aka Archivo Cero) animated web series that we worked on back in 2008-2010 for about 18 months.  An opportunity came up to put File Zero into a broadcast rotation but it needed to be transformed from a 14-episode web series into a 50 minute video suitable for broadcast with the close that bridges from the series content (set in the future) and relating it to the story of Jesus referenced in the series.  Here is some 'Making of footage' and how we used 'Virtual Production' and the Unreal Engine to make the video. If  you want to see the end of File Zero ( episode 14 ) with this new close, check out the video below. Thank you to Jeff, Dom, Andres, Daniel, Eileen, Alex, Kashmere, Brent, Melissa, Mike, Vance, Marc, Marcos and the crew.  Please forgive me if I'm forgetting anyone else!  - Irv

Trip to the Netherlands

An afternoon trip to Arnhem - and the 'Bridge too Far', a WWII battle to control this key bridge across the Rhine.   On my recent trip to the Netherlands we did training with missionaries that wanted to learn about film dubbing and subtitling.  Film dubbing is the process of keeping the music and sound effects from a film, but replacing the spoken dialog with a recordings of voices in a new language.  This is a much more complicated and time intensive process than just subtitling a film.  In a subtitled film you can keep the original soundtrack, but put subtitles of a new translation as text on the bottom of the screen.   I was sharing some of the things I did in dubbing as well as subtitling films, not only the JESUS film but more recently the File Zero series that we did with Agape Spain.  There were 12 in the class, but also 3 other people helping out with the training from their areas of expertise,  By the end of the class we had to...

'My Last Day' at Easter

It's hard to believe that it has been 5 years since the release of My Last Day - a recounting of the Crucifixion of Jesus as told through the eyes of the thief that was crucified with Jesus; the one to whom Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in paradise".  The roots of the project actually started 12 years ago.  If you are interested in a brief recounting of the history, please see this interview with Mike Peckham, the leader of our Film Production department.  I helped recount the history and checked in with Barry Cook to make sure we had the facts correct.   But it hasn't stopped with just a short film...    We have been hard at work on a gospel presentation based on this short little animé film.  Since the spoken parts were taken from existing dialog lines in our 1,400 JESUS film translations, we now have nearly 130 translations online as well.  In fact, this Easter we have a cell-phone fr...

Nkoya language dubbing

It's great to know that the Nkoya language version of the JESUS film has been recorded and is now available for use in Zambia.  We are excited to share some video with you of the actual dubbing that took place in May of 2015.  In this clip you will see some of the men performing the voices for the crowd scene - a crowd of soldiers gambling for the clothes of Jesus during his crucifixion.  As you can see, the walls are lined with mattresses which is typical for field recording situations (to help record the voices without the 'echo' that a small room can produce... Here you can see an early test screening of the new Nkoya language dubbing of the JESUS film.  When the team goes to record a new language this is something that is done to help insure that the language is correct and to help catch any problems while they are still in the area and can still bring the actors back to make corrections. Her Abel (who coordinated the project) gives a special thank you and ...

A billion views....

Jesus came and told his disciples,   “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.   Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.   Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”   Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)  I’m reminded from these scriptures that Jesus didn’t lay out a ‘Plan B’.  It started with people (the disciples), it would take place through the church, and it would end at the world (all nations).  How does that plan continue today in the modern, interconnected world of phones and media?  At your church I’m sure you could give a testimony of how your congregation and your church’s overseas discipling work is accelerated through the use of technology and media. Here at the Jesus Film Project we have a detailed plan for how we are serving the body of Chr...

Archivo Cero completed!

You may remember that we were involved in working on the animation for Archivo Cero (which means File Zero) back in 2011 .  Former Disney senior animator Dom Carola  was our animation director and I was the producer.  Our crew of about 14 people built the CG models and sets for the first 7 (of 14) episodes and Ovi  storyboarded the rest of the series.  Then production went back to Spain and last year the last 3 1/2 episodes landed at HuHu Studios  in New Zealand.  The first 7 episodes were posted in English  here .  They were actually animated to the Castilian Spanish track for strategic reasons so the English lip-sync doesn't look as perfect as the Spanish version. Now that it is done (Praise God!) the ministry strategy and rollout can begin.  The initial language versions are Spanish, Catalan, English and Latin American Spanish.  Rather than just post all the episodes it will be held back for various countries and their strat...

My Last Day gospel presentation in 6 languages

I posted a page with links to our 6 language versions of the My Last Day gospel presentation .  You can also download it to Android tablets and iPads with the free iSpring app.  Instructions are also on that page.  If you have any stories about sharing this with people I'd love to hear it!  You can email me at irv DOT klaschus AT ccci DOT org