The vagaries of getting older...

Okay - I haven't updated the blog in a while. I've been on a journey which has lately involved the quest to get good sleep - deep restful sleep. Ah the vagaries of getting older. It is amazing how much sleep affects our outlook and creativity, even our objectivity about life. I've concluded I'm not much of a blogger, much less when this was more of a problem for me. But I am improving as I consult with doctors, learn new techniques of getting back to sleep and the role of walking this out with Jesus. I just went to the 50th anniversary of SIGGRAPH last month. I have loved computer graphics ever since I saw Star Wars, the Wrath of Khan and Tron. Once I bought my first computer in 1980 and started writing programs to generate my own images I was clear that this would somehow be part of my life. I had met Jim Blinn briefly on a tour of JPL (Jim had been rendering images of the planets for the Voyager flyby - he wa...